Adkins, Roy. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. New York: Facts on File, 1994
Description: Short and simple summary to the lives of these girls (page 225) (secondary source)
Davies, William. A Day In Old Rome. New York: Noble Offset Printers: 1959
Description: chapter explaining their jobs and lives (page 431)(secondary source)
Fowler, Robin. Vestal Virgins of Rome. Suite101,, 3 May 2011
Description: holidays, execution, and what happened when there time was up.(secondary source)
Gardner, Jane. Women in Roman Law and Society. Great Britain: Midland, 1986
Description: marrige (secondary source)
Gardner, Jane. Women in Roman Law and Society. Great Britain: Midland, 1986
Description: direct source
Gill, N.S. Saturnalia. About,, 17 May 2011
Description: holiday of Jupiter(secondary source)
Lanciani, Rodolfo. Ancient Rome. New York: Noble Offset Printers: 1888
Description: chapter about an archeologist excavating their temple (page 134)(secondary source)
Unknown. House of the Vestal Virgins. Revealed Rome,, 1 May 2011
Description: overview of their lives(secondary source)
Unknown. Timeline. Scaruffi,, 8 May 2011
Description: timeline of Rome(secondary source)
Unknown. Vestal Virgins. Roman Colosseum,, 14 May 2011
Descriptions: more about them and how the citizens reacted towards them(secondary source)